We empower HR!

We make career development as cheap as a cafe latte and as easy as Lego!

Only 6,99€ per employee and month


Our web-based ecosystem includes state-of-the-art competency models, efficient peer feedback processes, and contemporary training best practices - And is still customizable to all the details of your business

More value for everyone!

With us, everyone gets more out of their working time - HR colleagues, supervisors and every single employee

One User Experiance for all!

Imagine being able to experience all modern personnel development processes in a consistent and modern user experience - whether peer feedback, employee reviews or personal career planning.

Finally out of tool hell

The times when you needed many different applications to map central HR processes are definitely over. We take you on a journey where you can enjoy all relevant HR development processes with a unified user experience - even appraisal interviews and peer feedback are fun!

Every person is unique - with us you still keep track of all your employees

In every company there are central roles, job types and important competencies - but every employee is unique. People are difficult to squeeze into fixed models.
With us they manage to always have an overview of all : 
"Who just has the expertise in online marketing?" 
"Shouldnt we hire more frontend devs?"
"How much continuing education budget do we need to budget for next year"?

With our HR Dashboard, these questions are now a thing of the past.

What do you get with MySkilltower?


Predefined Roles


Different Skills


Less effort for the administration of personnel development in HR 


Usage concept - No matter for whom: Log in once - Done!


Combination options so that your employees can develop in the best possible way

"It was very easy to adapt the towers to our specific needs. Our employees were able to playfully create their individual competence profiles and derive their development goals from them."

Norman W., (CTO @Webtrekk GmbH)


What is a Skill tower?

Our skill towers consist of different skills (abilities/competencies). The skills have different building blocks (development levels/special skills). A skilltower consists of the building blocks of the different skills. Each skill has its own color.

What is a ROLE tower?

The ROLES tower is stored for each role (e.g. Marketing Manager) and its level (e.g. Junior/Senior) and represents the skills that are necessary for the respective role. Every employee in the company has at least one role assigned to them. To see the different roles in the company, you can click on "Roles & Levels" and then select the appropriate role.

What is an "Actual" tower?

The Actual tower reflects your current capabilities and their building blocks. It can be created in a number of ways. It can be created by your respective supervisor, you can create it yourself, and there is also the option for selected colleagues to submit their assessments. This is where it depends on your internal processes.

What is a "Target" Tower?

The Target tower is your Actual tower + building blocks that you want to acquire. It is usually created in a conversation with your manager. The exact process depends on how your internal processes look like. The TARGET tower is usually based on a ROLL tower that you want to achieve. It can be seen as an intermediate step.

What are Bricks?

Bricks are descriptive gradations of capabilities. Some Bricks build on each other, others are independent. Bricks are the heart of the system, unlike other tools we do not work with scales, asterisks or bubbles, but rely on descriptions. Bricks, just like Skills, can be changed or added individually so that they fit your company exactly.